FedEx - Causeway Tower - North Bay Village

Causeway Tower is a FedEx - Self-Service location. Their address is 1666 Kennedy Cswy in North Bay Village, FL. Traditional and Mobile directions, maps, reviews, drop-off and pick up hours (where available) can be found below along with additional FedEx locations and mailing options (UPS, USPS, and DHL) near you.

FedEx Location & Directions
Causeway Tower
1666 Kennedy Cswy
North Bay Village, FL 33141
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Facility Type: Self-Service
Office Map
FedEx Causeway Tower Office Location

FedEx Reviews & Additional Information

FedEx - Causeway Tower Reviews and Ratings
Average Customer Rating

0 out of 5 stars from 0 reviews.

Average Customer Star Rating


No reviews or ratings are available for this mailing location (UPS, FedEx, DHL, or USPS). If you are familiar with this FedEx location or their services (international, same day shipping, next day, express services, and so on) please consider leaving a rating and/or review below to help others in the future who may be in need of services from this location. Thanks!

Additional Mailing Locations in North Bay Village for FedEx
The following FedEx Locations are also in North Bay Village, Florida
Causeway Tower - FedEx
FedEx Small Logo
1666 Kennedy Cswy